Executive Board
President | Co-Founder | September Morgan | centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Secretary | Ciera Garrett | secretary-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Treasurer | Co-Founder | Mackenzie Mindell | treasurer-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
VP of Membership | Co-Founder | Devon Cole | membership-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
VP of Programming | Co-Founder | Jessica Smith | programming-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Committee Chairs
Historian | Meghan Cain-Davis | historian-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Littles (0-5 years old) Playgroup | Kate Restle | littleschair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Middles (6-10 years old) Playgroup | Heather Gotlib | middleschair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Bigs (10+ years old) Playgroup | Kerri Schleifer | bigschair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Nature Playgroup | Ashley Grace | naturechair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Maternal Wellness | Devon Cole | wellnesschair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Book Club | Jessica Smith | bookclubchair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Southeast Louisville & Bullitt Co Affiliate Members | Kirsten Thompson | southeastchair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Southern Indiana Affiliate Members | Meghan Cain-Dave | soinchair-centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org
Open Positions
We want to empower you to become a leader and create impactful change in our community.
We have several positions open (the ones in bold are our current priority to fill). These include:
VP of Administration
Service Chair
Civic Engagement Chair
Fundraising Chair
Hospitality Chair
New Member Chair
Affiliate Member Chair for the East End of Louisville
Affiliate Member Chair for Prospect and Oldham County
Affiliate Member Chair for the West End of Louisville
Affiliate Member Chair for South Louisville
Committee Chair positions carry a time commitment of a few hours or less per week. Affiliate Member Chairs are a great position for those interested in starting a future chapter in that area
Interested? Contact us at centrallouisville@wearemaeve.org